This is a women oriented, heart-centred clinic, with the goal of helping women move forward in their lives with as little physical and emotional baggage as possible.
I believe that our bodies and minds/emotions are so dependant on one another, that often, physical pain is the symptom of chronic emotional pain. That's why I offer services for both physical AND emotional pain.
Whether younger or older, we are all unique and have our own unique set of 'challenges' both physically and mentally. Here at The Wise Woman you will be treated holistically and as an individual.
Relaxation or remedial.
What's the difference?
A remedial massage will most likely include stretching, trigger point therapy, cupping and deeper, goal-oriented work on the client's presenting 'problem'.
A relaxation massage will not include these techniques, and its primary purpose is to bring the client into a state of relaxation where the body can heal itself.
Private Health Insurance rebates are available for remedial massage only.
To reduce oedema (or swelling) in the body.
Lymph drainage is a beneficial treatment for clients :
- pre- and post-operative;
- before and after taking a long journey;
- if you suffer with swollen limbs when the weather is warm;
- if your legs are tender to the touch;
- cancer patients post-operative;
- after any sort of accident, whether major or minor;
- after extreme sunburn.
Reflexology is an ancient technique which focuses on the feet being 'mirrors' for the rest of the body - different sections of the feet equalling different organs or regions of the whole body.
It is a regenerative and restorative therapy, which is deeply relaxing, and definitely not just a foot massage!
Your mind has its own running programme - just like your computer - and over the years you have unconsciously programmed beliefs, strategies and operating protocols into it...... some of which may not be serving you in your present life, causing pain and trauma not just on an emotional level, but also physically.
EFT and visualisation can help you re-programme your brain, by locating and dispelling limiting beliefs and modifying your physical responses.
This is not hypnotherapy, but it does access the brain on a theta wavelength which is where emotional healing occurs.
There are Private Health Insurance rebates for remedial massage from this clinic.
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